Difference: TCMET22XValidation (6 vs. 7)

Revision 723 Feb 2009 - Main.FrankGolf

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META TOPICPARENT name="FrankGolfSandbox"
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    • cvs co -r V00-04-02-15 RecoMET/Configuration
    • cvs co -r V00-06-02-09 DataFormats/METReco

  • After building, to see how to incroporate tcMet correction to your analysis sequence, see example in test file.
This example will produce a tcMET collection.
  • After building, to see how to incorporate tcMet correction to your analysis sequence, see example in test file. This example will produce a tcMET collection.
  • The implementation of tcMET makes use of the metMuonCorrections module that is part of 22X releases. As a result, the user must include the cff file in their cfg (as in done in the above example) and place the module in their path before tcMet as shown below.
  • The implementation of tcMET makes use of the metMuonCorrections module that is part of 22X releases. As a result, the user must include the cff file in their cfg (as is done in the above example) and place the module in their path before tcMet as shown below.
# load muon corrections for !MET module
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