Difference: JindarianiMEInstructions (14 vs. 15)

Revision 1503 Oct 2011 - Main.YanyanGao

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Matrix Element Inputs in CMS2

Relax and have patience :)
  • This page documents the procedure to generate the this input Smurf Ntuple and the utility histograms that are needed to do the ME calculations. The code can be browsed here.
  • Please refer to the instructions here for the ME calculation instruction.*
This page documents the procedure to generate the this input Smurf Ntuple and the utility histograms that are needed to do the ME calculations. The code can be browsed here.


  • Get the looper code from CVS (here I assume that you have already set up your favorite CMSSW release)
  • Instructions
    • Getting the looper code from CVS (here I assume that you have already set up your favorite CMSSW release)

cvs co -d Smurf/ UserCode /Smurf
  cvs co -d CMS2/NtupleMacros/CORE UserCode /JRibnik/CMS2/NtupleMacros/CORE cd CMS2/NtupleMacros/CORE cvs up -r WW2010 CMS2.h CMS2.cc
Line: 18 to 19
  cvs co -d CMS2/NtupleMacros/HWWME UserCode /JRibnik/CMS2/NtupleMacros/HWWME cvs co -d CMS2/NtupleMacros/Tools UserCode /JRibnik/CMS2/NtupleMacros/Tools
    • You need to create two soft links, one pointing to the ntuple location "data" and one pointing to "CORE"
  • Create two soft links, one pointing to the ntuple location "data" and one pointing to "CORE"
   cd CMS2/NtupleMacros/HWWME
   ln -s /tas/cms2 data
   ln -s ../CORE CORE
    • Run script doAll.C to produce the input files for the ME calculations,
  • Compile code by running gmake

  • Run script doAllHWW.C or doAllHZZ.C to produce the input files for the ME calculations in HWW and HZZ respectively

root -l doAll.C
root -l -q doAllHWW.C root -l -q doAllHZZ.C
    • This looper creates a smurf ntuple for each process and one utility root file called either Util_HWW.root or for Util_HZZ.root, which contains the lepton efficiency, boost and fake rate related histograms.

  • Files for the SmurfV6 selections using 41X
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