Difference: TWikiGroups (6 vs. 7)

Revision 727 Mar 2005 - Main.TWikiContributor

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TWiki Groups

These groups can be used to define fine grained TWikiAccessControl in TWiki:

Group Members
TWikiBaseGroup TWikiAdminUser TWikiGuest UnknownUser TWikiContributor TWikiRegistrationAgent
MitfGroup GerryBauer JoshuaBendavid ErikButz MatthewChan ValentinaDutta PieterEveraerts GuillelmoGomezCeballos KristianHahn PhilHarris ZachHynes MaxGoncharov MarkusKlute SteveNahn ChristophPaus DuncanRalph MatthewRudolph ShamSumorok KevinSung RogerWolf SiXie MingmingYang MarcoZanetti SlawomirTkaczyk IlyaKravchenko FabianStoeckli AndrewLevin AramApyan
SurfTurfGroup DmytroKovalskyi AviYagil FkW ClaudioCampagnari VyacheslavKrutelyov OliverGutsche LatBauerdick KevinBurkett FrankGolf SanjayPadhi AljaMrakTadel IanMacNeill AlexGeorge SergoJindariani GiuseppeCerati JacobLinacre CharlesWelke JasonGran DanKlein DominickOlivito GiovanniPorta AnilSemizoglu RafaelLopesDeSa MarkDerdzinski NickAmin JonathanHernandez IanDyckes DanPhan IndaraSuarez JamesLetts JohnWood HannsjoergWeber MiaoyuanLiu
user list truncated
TWikiAdminGroup TWikiAdminUser DmytroKovalskyi TerrenceMartin FkW
  • New Group:
New Group:
warning Note: A group topic name must be a WikiWord and must end in ...Group. New topics are based on TWikiGroupTemplate
  IMPORTANT NOTE: Think twice before restricting write access to a web or a topic, because an open system where everybody can contribute is the essence of WikiCulture. Experience shows that unrestricted write access works very well because:
  • There is enough peer pressure to post only appropriate content.
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